About us
No Waste Incinerators In Lara & Greater Geelong Incorporated (NWIIL&GG Inc) is a small group of local Lara residents who joined forces to stop the development of a waste-to-energyincineration facility in Lara. The group formed in 2021 and became formally registered as an incorporation on 22 February 2022.
The purposes of NWIIL&GG Inc are:
To oppose...
To oppose (by any lawful means) the construction and operation of a waste-to-energy incineration facility at 164-200 McManus Road, Lara, Victoria (the Subject Land) as proposed by Prospect Hill International Pty. Ltd., including but not limited to;
- participation in VCAT proceedings P1641/2023 and/or P1642/2023 in opposition to the Development Licence for that facility issued by the Environment Protection Authority in respect of the Subject Land.
- objecting to the issue of any planning permit for that facility on the Subject Land.
To protect...
To protect the Lara and Greater Geelong region from environmental pollution.
To object...
To object to the construction and operation of waste incinerators, and the like, at any location
To receive...
To receive support from, and provide support to, any other organisations with similar purposes.
To undertake...
To undertake such lawful activities as may be reasonable or necessary for the above purposes.
Meet our team
The team comprising NWIIL&GG Inc are all unpaid volunteers who are dedicated to stopping the development and operation of waste-to-energy incinerators both generally and specifically in Lara.

To cope with the workload that would otherwise fall upon a dedicated Secretary, NWIIL&GG Inc acknowledges the dedication and support of the following Members:
- Manager of Special Projects – Melanie
- Records Manager (minutes etc.) – Neve
- Membership Coordinator – Jane

Join the fight!
NWIIL&GG Inc welcomes anyone interested in joining the fight to stop the construction and operation of waste-to-energy incinerators. Apply to become a member today and help us protect the community from fumes of burnt rubbish!