No Waste Incinerators in Lara & Greater Geelong
We welcome anyone who is interested in joining the fight to stop the construction and operation of waste-to-energy incinerators. Apply to become a member today – and help us protect our community from fumes of burnt rubbish!
We are Lara locals
No Waste Incinerators In Lara & Greater Geelong Incorporated (NWIIL&GG Inc) is a growing group of local Lara residents who have joined forces to stop the development of a waste-to-energy incineration facility in Lara. The group formed in 2021 and became formally registered as an incorporation on 22 February 2022.
Some thoughts from the community
"I learn with dismay that the proposal for a Big Incinerator in Lara is still live. The proposal lacks a plausible explanation as to where the 400,000 tonnes a year of red top bin waste is going to come from, given that the western half of Victoria generates fewer than 110,000 tonnes. It also lacks a business case, and is bereft of social licence. All residents in the City of Greater Geelong should be concerned."

"Who remembers their backyard incinerator? The putrid smoke stung our eyes and filled the neighbourhood. Given their detrimental impact on human health, public safety and the environment, it was with good reason they were banned in the 1980s. Today we're better informed and many of us try to follow the waste avoidance hierarchy: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle, Recover then Dispose. Which is why as a community, we must oppose the massive incinerator proposed for Lara which would burn 400,000 tonnes of waste each year..."

"I am amazed at the number of people I meet who don't know about the incinerator coming to McManus Rd, Lara. In my opinion, this incinerator has been green-washed to sound like a god send. It will produce some electricity and jobs, but at what cost - not only for to this generation but for those to come, who will have to live with the possible fallout from toxic waste emissions and the damage to our air, water, soil and land, let alone our health..."

Keep up to date!
Latest news

. 28/06
Anger builds over giant incinerator for Geelong
Community campaigners are calling for the Victorian Government to dump plans for a massive industrial incinerator in Lara

. 28/06
Picnic in August in Lara
We look forward to seeing a lot of Lara residents in Austin Park on Sunday 4 August.